

[52] The Role of Japanese Corporate Governance Features in Explaining Rating Differences between Global and Japanese Rating Agencies

Journal of Banking & Finance, 2024 (SSCI)

[51] Internal Monitoring Mechanisms and Corporate Environmental and Social Performance: Evidence from Korea

Research in International Business and Finance, 2024 (SSCI)

[50] Corporate Bond Market Reaction to the Mandatory ESG Disclosure: Is Sustainium Sustainable? 

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2024 (SSCI)

[49] Is Bloomberg’s Credit Default Swaps Model Superior in Predicting Defaults?

Journal of Fixed Income, 2023 (SSCI)

[48] E-commerce capability and CEO attributes: Impacts on export performance

Journal of International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2023 (SCOPUS)

[47] Corporate Cash Holdings in Response to Climate Risk and Policies

Finance Research Letter, 2023 (SSCI)

[46] Pay Dispersion and CSR

Finance Research Letter, 2022 (SSCI)

[45] CSR and the Alignment of CEO and Shareholders Wealth: Does a Strong Alignment Induce or Restrain CSR? 

      Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022 (SSCI)

[44] Firm-Level Political Risk, Liquidity Management, and Managerial Attributes

International Review of Financial Analysis, 2022 (SSCI)

[43] Production Suspension, Corporate Governance, and Firm Value

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2022 (SSCI)

[42] Supermajority provisions and shareholders wealth: Evidence from South Korea's natural experiment, 

      Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2022 (SSCI)

[41] Corruption and Corporate Cash Holdings

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2022 (SSCI)

[40] Terrorist Attacks, CEO Overconfidence, and CEO Compensation

Finance Research Letter, 2022 (SSCI)

[39] Analyzing the Effects of Terrorist Attacks on the Value of Cash Holdings

Finance Research Letter, 2022 (SSCI)

[38] Religious differences and households’ investment decisions

Journal of Financial Research, 2021 (SSCI)

[37] Influence of Product Market Competition and Managerial Competency on Corporate Environmental Responsibility, 

      Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021(SSCI)

[36] The effect of corporate environmental responsibility and religiosity on corporate cash holding decisions and profitability: Evidence from the United States’ policies for       sustainable development, 

      Sustainable Development, 2021 (SSCI)

[35] Terrorist Attacks and Total Factor Productivity

Economics Letters, 2021 (SSCI)

[34] Do confident CEOs increase firm value under competitive pressure?

Applied Economics Letters 2021 (SSCI)

[33] The valuation effects of corporate social responsibility on merges and acquisitions: Evidence from U.S. target firms 

      Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 2020 (SSCI)

[32] A nonlinear relation between financing decisions and option compensation

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 2020 (SCOPUS)

[31] The effect of government 5G policies on telecommunication operators' firm value: Evidence from China, 

      Telecommunications Policy 2020 (SSCI)

[30] Does the Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) Certification Matter for Japanese Credit Rating Agencies?  

      Journal of Financial Market, 2020 (SSCI)

[29] The Impact of CEO Educational Background on Corporate Cash Holdings and Value of Cash Holdings, 

      Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2020 (SSCI)

[28] Co-opted Boards, Corporate Risk-taking Behavior and Social Capital

Finance Research Letter 2020 (SSCI)

[27] "CSR Activities and Internal Capital Markets: Evidence from Korean Business Groups"

Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2019 (SSCI)

[26] "Convertible bond announcement returns, capital expenditures, and investment opportunities"

Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2019 (SSCI)

[25] "Dividend Policy in Family-controlled Business Groups: Evidence from Korea"

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019 (SSCI)

[24] "The Evolving Nature of Japanese Corporate Governance: Guaranteed Bonds vs. Rated Bonds"

Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutes & Money, 2019 (SSCI)

[23] "Compensation Structure of Family Business Groups: Evidence from Korea"

Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2018 (SSCI)

[22] "An Analysis of Internal Capital Markets and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Korean Business Group" 

      Multinational Journal of Finance, 2018 (SCOPUS)

[21] “Network Topology and Systemically Important Firms in the Interfirm Credit Network” 

      Computational Economics, 2018 (SSCI)

[20] "Stock market reaction to corporate crime: Evidence from South Korea"

Journal of Business Ethics, 2017 (SSCI)

[19] "Sustaining Competitive Advantage through Corporate Environmental Performance"

Business Strategy and the Environment, 2017 (SSCI)

[18] "Trade Networks and Cross-Border Acquisitions: Evidence from U.S. Acquiring Firms"

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2016 (SSCI) 

[17] "Impact of Environmental Performance on Firm Value for Sustainable Investment: Evidence from Large U.S. Firms" 

      Business Strategy and the Environment, 2016 (SSCI)

[16] “Financial Constraints and Negative Spillovers in Business Groups: Evidence from Korea”

Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2016 (SSCI)

[15] "Bond Ratings, Corporate Governance, and Cost of Debt: The Case of Korea"

Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 2016 (SCOPUS)

[14] "Spillover Effect of Sport Team Performance of the Value of Corporate Sponsors and Affiliated Firms" 

      International Journal of Sport Finance, 2016 (SSCI)

[13] "Ownership Structure and Survival of Listed Firms: Evidence from Korean Reverse Merger"

Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2015 (SSCI)

[12] "Impact of green innovation on Labor Productivity and its Determinants: an Analysis of the Korean Manufacturing Industry" 

      Business Strategy and Environment, 2014 (SSCI)

[11] "Frequent Stock Repurchases, False Signaling, and Corporate Governance: Evidence from Korea", 

      Corporate Governance: An International Review, 2014 (SSCI)

[10] "Information Asymmetry, Corporate Governance, and Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from Unfaithful Disclosure by Korean Listed Firms", 

      Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 2014 (SSCI)

[9] "Audit Committees, Corporate Governance, and Shareholder Wealth: Evidence from Korea"

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 2014 (SSCI)

[8] "Are Unsolicited Ratings Biased? Evidence from Long-run Stock Performance"

Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014 (SSCI)

[7] "Unsolicited versus solicited: Credit ratings and bond yields"

Journal of Financial Services Researches, 2013 (SSCI)

[6] "Corporate Restructuring, Financial Deregulation, and Firm Value: Evidence from Japanese Spin-ins" 

      Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 2013 (SSCI)

[5] "Estimating the Cost of Political Populism; Traffic Violation Pardons in Korea"

Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2012 (SSCI)

[4] "Rating Agency Reputation, the Global Financial Crisis, and the Cost of Debt"

Financial Management, 2012 (SSCI)

[3] “The Influence of Financial Development on R&D Activity: Cross-country Evidence"

Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2010 (SCOPUS)

[2] Market Segmentation Effects in Corporate Credit Rating Changes: The Case of Emerging Markets" 

      Journal of Financial Services Research, 2009 (SCOPUS)

[1] "Earnings Management of Acquiring Firms in Stock-for-Stock Takeovers in the communications Industry" 

      Journal of Media Economics, 2008 (SSCI)